Sunday, April 7, 2013

Viral Video

This is the Volkswagen Superbowl commercial from two years ago. It has over 56 million views in the two years it has been up. I would say this video went viral because it has very high stickiness, very memorable and also very relatable.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Heard this song at work the other day and have had it stuck in my head since. Dusty Springfield recorded the original that has been featured in tons of TV and movies including Reservoir Dogs. The opening lick is also famously looped for the Cypress Hill  track "Hits from the Bong." Overall it is a classic track. Love it.  Great album cover also.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Best Song Oscars

With the Oscars happening recently I went and checked who won and it got me looking at previous winners of the Best Song category. This is from Crazy Heart in 2007 and Bingham won for writing and performing this song. I'm no much of a country fan but this is a beautiful song.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


All of the big summer festivals are putting lineups online and it is starting to get me pretty excited. Their are a couple of artists that are going through the festival scenes this summer. If I can go to one, and that is a big "if", I'm really not sure which I would choose. Bonaroo has Paul McCartney this year which is pretty fucking awesome, clearly a once in a lifetime show. But I have already mad the trip to Tennessee, as well as Alabama for Hangout, so I think I would want to try a new one. Wanee is always a good thought. It's close and you can never go wrong with the Allman Brothers, plus God knows how much longer they might be around. But who knows maybe this will just have to be a break year for me, though I sure hope it's not.